Definitely not the only one. This entire ep felt like an endless rape joke to me, with 12-year-old boner humor and some gay panic tossed in for spice. Ugh.
I was very much in the same place- the episode had a lot going for it, technically speaking. But I found it really difficult to enjoy it considering the excessive, blatant misogyny. I mean, torture porn scene. And as far as I can tell, they were implying Meg was actually raped (with the knife). And then joking about raping her before killing her? How am I supposed to ignore that?
There are shows that deal with more misogyny than that, but they're structured in such a way that they're not rooting for it. It actually made me feel sick.
I guess I took that more as a reference to the kissing scene, which Meg seemed quite enthused about - I'm hoping that the writers just missed the rapey implications of that, rather than actually meaning them to be there. Yikes.
Maybe my brain just went there because of the obvious antagonism, or the implied torture-rape, or all the other rape jokes, but yeah. In the off chance it wasn't intentional, someone still should have said something.
I'm pretty sure it was meant to be read as something that would be consensual. Meg initiated the kiss and nothing makes me feel like they were talking about raping her.
I mean, there was plenty of squee and flail, too, put I was really uncomfortable with all those jokes. COME ON.
There are shows that deal with more misogyny than that, but they're structured in such a way that they're not rooting for it. It actually made me feel sick.
To say nothing of the whole meatsuit issue.
Colour me even more unimpressed.
How did it pass the network?
I actually feel like writing the FCC, which is bizarre.
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