So October kind of kicked my ass, and is continuing to do so. I have decided that taking on lots of challenges with deadlines, like fic exchanges, is not a good idea for me anymore. I'm going to set some ground rules for myself when it comes to that, so that I don't end up stressed about what is meant to be happy-fun-times for me. Writing fic is a joy, and I don't want it to feel like a chore (it doesn't so far, have no fear, but I can see it coming to that).
1- I can only sign up for one challenge per month with a specific deadline. That way I won't have several things due at the same time to keep track of. OR there must be a minimum of two weeks between due dates, depending on the size of the challenge.
2- I will sign up for a maximum of four (4) big bangs next year. One for each quarter, which gives me on average three months to write each one. I will NOT sign up for a big bang unless I already have a specific idea in mind for the fic I want to write.
3- I will not sign up for a fic exchange just because it sounds nifty and out of my comfort zone. This year, that has inevitably led to my stressing unnecessarily about fic.
4- I am allowed to write unlimited amounts of comment-fic. Comment-fic to my heart's content. Because I love comment-fic, it falls in my comfort zone in terms of subject matter and story length, and it generally makes me feel happy and productive.
5- I will work a lot more on my WIPs and verses, because I love them and don't want to neglect them.
6- Rather than adding to my list of writing ideas, I am going to try my level best to actually write the stories that go with the ideas I already have.
I may add to this list later on, but for now I think those are pretty good ground rules. They reflect what I've come to love about writing for fandom, and eliminate some of the problems I've had in terms of fic commitments. That way I can ensure I'll continue to have fun writing reams and reams of fanfic next year. :)