Jan 21, 2005 10:53
so our family has a dog
the family loves this dog
if it wasn't a huge faux paux to admit it, it would have to be said
that the dog is loved more than i am
this is proved when the said family goes away
and all that i am rung for is to be asked how the dog is
so the said family is away at the moment
i get home last night to find a note
from the neighbours
saying my dog got out and they have him
embarressment 2000
so i go round and get him
apparently he followed some kid delivering pamphlets around
they couldnt get rid of him
so they asked the neighbour to take him
i explained this to my sister on the phone
my dad rings back 1 minute later
"your sister says some stranger has the dog and won't give him back til morning!"
"no dad ... *insert correct explanation*"
"oh okay well you better find the hole. good bye"
yes. the hole
so i take the dog inside
the hole can wait til morning
5 hours after i started sleeping the dog started barking
he had pooed inside
why bark after the event if you are going to bark at all?
so as the dog is now desperate to go outside
now is as good as time as any to find the hole
but i couldn't find it
so now i'm not sure what is to be done
my fingernail is still black from paul's hair dye