(no subject)

Oct 23, 2004 02:31

A muffled roar of talking floated through the heavy oak doors of the library as the students of Sunnydale High made their way from one class to another, getting in as much talking as they could before forced into another 45 minutes of silence during class.

I sat in my office, the door slightly ajar, as the bell rang and the halls quieted. In front of me lay my personal Watcher diaries. I looked over my neat hand, documenting my days with Buffy and our escapades here on the Hellmouth. The corners of my eyes began to sting and I quickly closed the books before anything more, erm, undignified could happen. I wish I could have done it for her. Saved her from all of the heartache and pain that caused her to leave. What I wouldn't give to have her back here with me right now. Rolling her eyes at me, I even miss the way she would immitate me behind my back when she thought I couldn't see her. I sighed deeply as I waited for my telephone to ring. I had been waiting on a call from a fellow in Cleavland who had been checking up on a teenage girl that had been seen fighting off a group of Vampires. I would do it myself, but I had exhausted my meger wages following dead leads all over the country for the past three months. Also, you aren't going to see me asking Principal Snyder for time off from work.

I straightened the books on my desk and picked up a few volumes to go place back on the shelves where they belong. As I walked up and down the stacks I went over everything in my head. In there at least, I always came up with a brilliant plan to save Angel, and spare Buffy. The pile in my hands became lighter and ligher, until I was placing the last book in it's place on the shelf.

As I did so, I heard a small noise. The doors opening. I turned to see who was there and froze. It couldn't be her. Could it?

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