I didn't complete my French coursework draft, but Ms Wynter let me off. She still collected my work, she keeps on persuading us to use idioms.- Scott brags on that he uses them in his coursework.
To make things worse. Ms Wynter is going to talk French to us without doing her explanations in English. And we have to speak perfect French back to her. My speaking in French is not that good, but writing and reading is perfect like a court case (referring to a Vintage L&O ep. Which BTW, Mike Logan looks so cute, since this week).
I was thinking about boxes at the near end of school. Boxes? Why? Well, I would like to make my bedroom a more tidy and safe environment. I'm beginning to spend more time in the smallest, coldest room in the house. Speaking of bedrooms, for the last two days, I've been sleeping at ten.> An hour early, but waking up a twenty mins past seven. This morning it was seven o'clock.
Boxes, yes. I'm going to place my junk which is not important, e.g. random stuff; another box for school, e.g. folders, books, etc; another box for my writings, e.g. plays, books, etc.- The good news keeps on coming because they sell plastic boxes at Poundland for a pound. Each. Obiviously.
This weekend, my mum wants to watch Dreamgirls. *points at
duckies_girl04 * It's not her fault, but the hidden track on B'Day is too convincing. Does Beyonce portray a younger version of Diana Ross?- I'm dying to know.
For those who watched the film. Please don't tell me what happens. No spoilers! Let me watch it myself.
OMG!!! Eddie Murphy is in the film too!< He is just the best!
Moment of Zen: I love this! (C)
Ms Wynter gave a Post-It note with a website
link on it. The link had website for a competition, a fashion designing competition. I'm going to sign up, after doing some thinking of what I'm going to design first.
And the prize is........ A trip to Paris!
Alright. I'm going to get inspired by:
Jon Stewart. He is good at dressing up.