I'm in anticipation. Why? Paris of course! My 2nd time!!! Tomorrow after school, my hair is going to be plait into layers of two or three. My mother chooses the boring colours for me, which are red, black OR brown.- Blonde might not suit me. In fact, I did have blonde plaits once, and it did blend in.
There was no school today, because of the parents thing. Mr Noibi says that I'm mature.... Alright, mature. He told my mum that I write....... Yeh, I write. I haven't wrote for ages, I miss the idea bank.
Afterwards, I wanted to go to Walthamstow, but no.. Changed my mind. I think it's a little too late to buy my other 'essentials' for France. I need them so badly!
I made myself a shopping list yesterday at school. I did buy the red bangles, but I need
this bag BADLY. Bery badly. And when I buy bags, my parents usually lecture me on my museum of bags... Think of a plan.
Moment of Zen: I love this! (C)
Well.... I need manage to make something on Elements today. Nothing special, just a banner styled poster of Jon Stewart with a bottle of water and a mike. Also, wearing the latest fashions.
Doesn't look very convincing. At least I used Elements today...... I seldomly use it now, because of school, etc.