Jun 11, 2009 03:12
I know it's late at night, but I'm having those stay-up-late-nights. Also, I want to stay away from the constant updates - especially those BriWi posts and gushing over my favourite Pink Floyd song or album.
This is what I'll be doing from today and towards, hopefully:
1. Go out shopping. I want to buy Meddle because it's a decent album, and also I want some change to buy some Philadelphia Cheese. Yummy...
2. Miss B texted me today. I texted her yesterday about my cousin's fashion show. We're going to Loughton on Saturday, hopefully. Hopefully, the trains will be running -- although it's affecting some lines. That pissed me off, I could have taken the Victorian line to Victoria but I found out when I got home.
3. Do you know how much I love 'Dogs'. I don't care if the song is SEVENTEEN minutes long, I love it. I love singing along to it.
4. I'll probably be looking for some work. Skivvy, waitressing or any tiny job for some money. Don't mind really. It was an idea from Natasha and my Aunt Floretta.
That's all
pink floyd,
miss b,