Mar 20, 2007 19:39
I'm beginning to have a proper interest of Criminal Intent. My dad compares Goren to Columbo, the way he investigates. Taking little clues and bits of materials, etc. I never through of writing all that stuff in my play, Miss Ambition. Can't believe it took me a year to complete, I think I'm still on episode 4.... SAD!!!!!!!!!!
The other week, I asked my dad a question about judges whilst we were watching Vintage Law & Order. I asked him about when there's a group of judges sitting along a big table at a trial. If you watch legal dramas, you must know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I know the answer to my question.
The easier part, this'll make sense: lawyers can't pick and choose what case they want to do. Hold on, how come Alan Shore does all the picking on Boston Legal? And how come Denny Crane can shoot people when he feels? Something I don't understand. But really all this choosing stuff doesn't happen in reality, unless someone decides to change the way the law is....
vintage l&o,
boston legal,