The best birthday present EVER!

Jan 31, 2009 08:45

So I've been going to the doctor every week now and they have already planned a c-section for me on Feb. 3, 2009.  She's due Feb. 8, 2009.  It was early Monday morning, January 19.  I got up early around 5 am to eat some cereal and a clementine.  Then I sat around for about an hour and went back to bed.  Eric was lying in bed commenting, "i love you sweetie" and I replied with the same thing.  As I laid there I felt my daughter move A LOT and all of a sudden a gushing of fluid came out (8am).  I looked at Eric, ran out of bed and into the bathroom, and said "omg I think my water just broke!"

Eric was skeptical at first and then he called the doctor.  We called him and he told us to go to the hospital and let the nurse check us out.  We have not gotten anything for this little one yet.  The only thing we have was a couple of clothes.  We arrived at the hospital and I had to pre register (bleh) which took about 30 minutes to do lol.  Finally we got in the room and the nurse tested me but the strip came out negative and I was so positive that it was my water.  I still felt it coming!  She was getting ready to give us our dismissal paper when more of it started leaking out.  She tested it and it was positive!  Since I had  eaten earlier that morning I had to wait 6 hours to do the c-section.  I didn't feel any labor pains until 30 minutes before my surgery, which wasn't even intense at all.  So I laid in bed waiting for 1pm to come meanwhile Eric's mom was there with us.

They finally took me to the OR and there they gave me a spinal shot.  I felt the burning sensation as my whole bottom half was being numbed it was a wierd feeling.  The whole time the nurses kept on saying, "you're so well behaved and quiet.  Are you doing ok?"  I was just ready to get the whole thing over with lol.  After they strapped me down they let Eric in the OR wearing his blue scrubs tehehe.  I could feel the pressure of them pushing and pulling.  Finally they got her feet first and was trying to pull her out.  The nurse above my head commented, "sweetie there's gonna be a lot of pressure coming up!"  And boy was there a lot of pressure, I remember yelping when they pushed up against my ribs.

Eric saw them pulling her out and he even said one of the nurses was holding an organ of mine while our doctor took her out lol.  It's a good thing he didn't faint because he's been known for doing that with the sight of blood.  As I laid there recovering from the pressure my doctor brought my daughter to me.  She was so precious and was amazing how she just stared at me!  Eric followed one of the nurses since she had the baby.  He stood over there watching her clean her up and put some water vitamin in her eyes.

So it was a great way to spend my birthday, in the hospital giving birth to Penelpe Olivia Langley!  She was 6 lbs 6 oz and 19.75 inches


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