Ratha Graphic Novel Kickstarter 87% funded, 3 more days

Feb 13, 2013 10:43

Thanks to everyone who has supported the Ratha Graphic Novel Kickstarter.
We are now 87% funded with 3.5 days to go. I also extend my appreciation and gratitude to everyone who has posted, blogged, tweeted or otherwise boosted the signal.


Remember that Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing deal, so if we don't reach the goal, the graphic novel doesn't happen.

The Graphic Novel team will work as hard as we can to make sure this adaptation of Ratha's Creature is the best it can be, in story flow, illustration, characters and dialog. This is a labor of love for everyone on the team.
Fans, artists, readers and big-cat lovers, you have brought us to this point, and Ratha loves you all.

Why Ratha's Creature should be a graphic novel. New fan video: http://youtu.be/eae7j4UlWuo

Bonechewer art music video: http://youtu.be/CTJ_UilUX2A

About the "Ratha's Challenge"

Ratha's Challenge Art Gallery

comic, ratha, graphic novel, prehistoric, leopard, lion, paleo, sabertooth, cats, crowdfunding, puma, big cats, cheetah, kickstarter

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