May 18, 2008 14:48
Gracefulness strikes again
Current mood: sore
So to those of you who really know me, you know how "graceful" I am. Well once again I proved it. Thursday night I went to my Aunt's house to change her dog wound bandage. Little Zoe had knee repair surgery on wed. at my work, and my aunt can not handle the sight of blood so Dr T kindly bandaged up Zoe's leg. i drove to her apartment after work yesterday. My aunt lives in a second story apartment. well mY visit went fine even though Zoe tried to bite me 5 times. We said our goodbyes and I left. Well I made it all the way down the stairs lost my footing on the bottom stair , which in itself would have not been bad except the pavement beneath the stairs was uneven so I could not regain my footing and well...let's just say ouch. The ankle I injured last year ( almost to the day) is shot. I calmly collected myself found my cellphone and called my aunt. She of course feels guily but it don't take much to make her feel that way. I was in excrutiating pain but kept my composure for her as I stated before she doesn't do well with injuries. I crawled on my hands and knees her car ans she drove me home. Once she left I stopped holding back the tears. This is the 4th time I have injured the same ankle in my life. The first was when I was in 7th grade, the 2nd time was a day before 9/11, the 3rd time was last mother's day. wendy is excorted me to the dr FRiday. It's jsut a bad sprain. I have kept it iced for several hours each day, elevated and put my compression cast from last year on it. I hate crutches so I have been crawling on my hands and knees to get around. I had to wake Tommy up at 3am to help me goto the bathroom..There was know way I was going to beable to lift my fat ass up on to the bad after I came back from peeing. Our bed is really high up and I have to kind of jump up to get in bed anyway.. The sad thing is my ankle never fully healed from last time, it has clicked eversinced. The er dr last year told me it wasn't brokem but strained, but I felt things moving and grinding in there. SO I may have really fucked it up now. I will probably always have to wear somekind of ankle support to stabilize it. If it is still swollen in 2 wks the dr said weare going to do a MRI. Hopefully surgury will not be required as I can not afford to miss work, finacialy or responsibly. I feel so stupid. I know if I didn't weigh a metric ton the injuries would be so great. This really sucks I gained 15-20 over the past year becasue of the last ankle injury. Because of the clicking I couldn't even walk the dog around the block for very long and my calves, though large, you could not even pinch skin on them before the accident. But know you can pinch skin, and FAT, on them. I am so disgusted with myself.
Oh well.