The innocence has left this world for good now...

Jul 21, 2010 22:57

The Basics
Name: Brigid
Age: 18

1. Describe your personality:
I always have trouble describing my personality. I'd like to say "chipper", but for a time now, it hasn't been so chipper. I can have a lot of energy, in strong bursts, which sometimes are troublesome, because then I have crashes. I always try to smile (when dealing with people I don't know too well, I put on my happy face). I'll always smile when I'm in a place where I have to deal with people, but where I don't know the people well, if at all. Most of the time at least. I try to be helpful, and compassionate, and I really want to help everyone that I can.
When around a group of people who I don't know at all, I'm usually quiet, but if I spot someone who looks like I may get along with them, I'll strike up conversation.

2. What are your flaws?
Caring too much for people. It makes me upset, when I can't help someone (or everyone), and then I get worked up, because, no I don't want people to help me, I want those other people to be helped, I want to help them. Then I get frustrated when other's don't help all those people, who need help way more than I do.
I also can't open up to people. I want to trust people, but whenever anyone gives me a compliment, I always brush it off, coming up with an excuse, because I don't think I deserve that compliment, and I don't really believe in myself. I also have minor trust issues, because I have this reoccuring theme of friends leaving me, so that's one reason why I don't open up to people. I also don't want anyone to see me cry.

3. What are your best points?
Fun, creative, loving. I want to care for people, and I'm protective over my friends, a lot. I love them, and I don't want to let go of them. I get upset when someone upsets one of my friends and I'll stand up for them.
As I said before, I'm creative. I'm able to make stories out of almost nothing, and I enjoy day-dreaming and thinking up more stories to go with them.

Writing, reading, drawing & art, manga, yaoi, music, watching movies, hanging out with my friends, playing online games, talking, meeting people with similar interests.

5. Dislikes:
Bigots, self-centered people, rude or annoying people, prejudice people, narrowminded people

6. What are your hobbies and talents?
Writing and drawing, being creative. I draw a lot, and like to put my feelings into both what I draw and what I write.
Making people smile. If I work at it, I can make almost anything funny in an innocent way, and that usually gets people to smile or laugh a little, which helps.

7. How do others perceive you?
High energy, spazy, creative, crazy, weird, pretty, hard-working, happy, helping, compassionate.

8. What is your personal motto?
"The world is crazy. Once you realize this, everything makes sense."

9. What is your favorite color? Why?
Lime/Neon Green: I have always loved the color green, and the brightness of Lime or Neon green is just beautiful. I love bright colors, and how they just...draw the eye, I guess. Green is also everywhere in nature. I love being places where it's VERY green.
Orange: I love orange because there are many flowers that are orange, as well as sunsets. I just like how much energy orange has, and how rich a color it is, to me.
Red: I like how solid and...sometimes very morbid this color can be. It has a large range of emotions that can be expressed with the color red, especially deep, more hurt emotions. I usually end up using red in my art.
Black: the absence of color. You can't really go wrong with an all black and white picture. Black has a melancholic elegance that isn't captured by other colors.

10. What color do you think you are? (it can be the favourite color or another color)
I think...I would probably go with Orange or red. I can have a lot of energy, but both can be serious, or dark, or deep. I think orange or red yes.
But I asked a friend, and she said blue.

11. Favourite Animal?
Mystical? Dragon
Real? Dolphin or Cat: both of these animals have a fluid grace that humans lack...I love them.

12. What is your favorite season?
I'd have to say Fall/autumn. This is when all those lovely reds and oranges come out in the trees, and when it starts to become colder. Also, there's nothing like that crisp, lovely smell in the air that signals fall. Also, it's around Halloween, my personal favorite holiday, and there are so many amazing things to be seen. Harvest is at fall as well, so so many different foods can be eaten as well.

13. This Thing, That Thing
Optimistic or Pessimistic or Realist: With other people: Optimistic Realism. I try to be as optimistic (but keep things realistic) in mind when dealing with others. With myself: Pessimistic. And this is when realism spirals away, and it's only pessimism
Possessions or Ideals: I'd have to go with ideals
Mature or Immature: About certain things, mature. About stupid jokes and perverted things...immature (I enjoy being perverted and immature sometimes).
Leader or Follower: When I'm in a group, and that group isn't doing anything, I'll take the roll of the leader. If there is already a leader, I will resign myself to follower, but I don't enjoy it as much. I like to do things my way.
Light or Dark: Hm...That's hard. Both I guess. Both are needed to retain the balance.
Think Before You Leap? or Leap!: I like to think before I leap, but I've had times when I didn't think, and just lept. It's about half and half. Sometimes it's needed to leap without thinking. So...Frog and toad both.
Introverted or Extroverted: Probably more...introverted...but I'm not too sure.
War or Peace: I believe war is idiotic. Peace.
Secretive or Open: Secretive
High, Medium, Low Energy?
All three. Usually I'm medium-low, but sometimes I can get high.

14. Reactions
How do you react when with your friends? High energy, spaztic, chatty, but I also want attention, I don't want to be left out or pushed aside. If that happens, I'll withdraw to myself, and focus on something else so as not to get upset.
How about your family? High energy, but more reserved, and more guarded.
In a group? If it's a group of people I know, but don't particularly like, I'll be quiet and reserved, putting ideas in when I think they're straying. If it's a group of people I have a lot in common, then I'll feed off of other people's energy, and become loud. But then, there's always the time when I feel lonely in a group, and draw into myself.
If your peers/friends/family were in trouble, what would you do?
I would help to the best of my abilities. I feel the need to help.
How do you react to Stressful things?
Not so good. Depends on what sort of stressful thing. If it's in my life...I usually just break down, or cut myself off from other people, so I can deal with it. If it's a stressful thing concerning someone else, I'll try and be strong for that person.


15. What are your dreams?
To be recognized for something that I succeed at, that I did all on my own, and that has meaning. Being recognized by someone important as well.

16. What are your fears?
Being alone, having no hope, failing so hard that n.o one will ever want to be around me, failing in general

17. Would you do something you wouldn’t normally do if you had to?
Yes, I would. If I had to, I'd do different things.

18. If you had to choose a side, would you choose the government, rebels or just being a loner?
Rebels. Many times I find the government too...high and mighty.

19. Anything else about you?
Not particularly...Although, I am rather interested to see what people think of me!

Almost there!
21. How did you find us?
On a link from the DGM community. :D

22. Links to voted applications
1. =1=
2. =2=
3. =3=

!stamped, leenali

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