Stamped as:Allen
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=3= Describe your personality again:I'm pretty friendly for the most part. I used to be pretty distance and closed off but a friend helped me open up. I have no problem chatting with random people. I like meeting people on my own, in a natural way. Mainly because I don't do good in situations like social gatherings where I'm forced to meet people. My original shy nature takes over then. I tend to be very sarcastic but I know when to bite my tongue, most of the time. I try respect my elders and superiors, even the ones I don't like. I'm open minded with all things, be it lifestyles, music, race, you name it. I have big problem with people close minded because I don't see what right they have to judge others. If you don't like something about certain people, try limit your interaction with them in a polite way. I like helping out those I can when they need it, it just bothers me if I can do something and I don't. It drives my up a wall when I can't help out a friend, be it because they won't let me or there's just nothing about the situation I can do. People I know tell me I'm very smart but I have tendency not to believe them. I'm less book smart and more real world smart, if anything though. I like to put friends problems before my own, if anything else to help distract me from my own. I'm not afraid to deal with my problems though. I will take charge and I have no problem with responsibility, I just like a break from it once and awhile. I tend to see the good in people but I don't trust easily. Most of time, I have no problem being myself, no matter how odd I come off to other people.
If you take martial arts or a type of swordfighting, what style are you trained in? If you don't - what style are you interested in?I've taken some martial arts before but I'm also very interested in swords, though I have no training with them.
Do you wear jewelry? And if so, do you wear them all the time? I wear rings everyday and maybe a necklace on occasion.
If you were in a battle, where would you likely be? Planning, Fighting, Support? Support I think. I don't know how helpful I'd be fighting but if I had to fight, I would.
Close-Combat or Long Range? Either? It would depend a lot on the situation a lot for me on which I would like better for it.
Do you prefer using a weapon, or your own body/hands? Having a weapon be nice~.
Are you more likely to go all out or conserve your energy? Try to conserve my energy but fail at it most likely~.
How would you react if you see someone bullying your good friend? Try to defend my friend best I could while trying to get someone to help me.
Do you like eating? Yeah but I tend to eat little bits through out the day.
Soba or sweets? Soba. I like sweets, I just can't handle too much sugar cause I have a low tolerance for it.
Leader or Follower? Prefer to be follower but most of the time forced to be leader.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood!
Any thoughts or ideas on other stamping themes? Umm...maybe something like what role would you be in the black order, i.e. General, Exorcist, Finder, Science Division Member. All I can think of atm^^'