(no subject)

Nov 07, 2008 00:03

Sorry it's late =x

-You must be either !stamped or on the verge of being stamped before you apply for the theme.
-You are voting as to whether you're on the Earl's side, or with the Exorcists.
-Please mention something about the Noah vs. Black Order
-Remember to vote on 3 other applications. If there are less than three available, please mention this. Can't find any unstamped applications? Click Here!
-Use an lj-cut. It's already included, so there is no reason for you guys to not have one.
-Tag your post as !unstamped and ?theme - which side!
-Anything else? Go read the main rules.

This month's theme is: Which Side Would You be On?

Stamped as:
Applications voted on: =1= // =2= // =3=

Describe your personality again:

1. What do you think of:
- the Black Order
- The Earl
- World domination
- Sadness
- Stealing Candy From a Baby
- Giving or Taking
- "Hi!"

2. What's your priority?
Yourself, the general population, the people you care about?
Family, Friends, or Career?
Your top priority in life?

3. What ifs
- Someone in your family just died and you inherit the fortune (it's a LARGE sum of money). What are you going to do with it?
- During a test, your friend asks for help in cheating by asking you to show him/her your answers when the teacher isn't looking. What do you do?
An injured animal was lying in your path and there was no one else around?

4. What are your goals?

5. Do you eat to live or live to eat?

If you spot any mistakes, feel free to contact us here!

!mod post, !stamps, ?theme - which side?

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