Name: Samantha
Age: 18
Stamped as: Allen Walker
Applications voted on: 1. 3. Describe your personality again: Kind, quirky, timid, outgoing (when I'm aquainted well), empathetic...any similar traits that don't come to mind at the moment.
If you take martial arts or a type of swordfighting, what style are you trained in? If you don't - what style are you interested in? I've taken a year of Karate and want to take some time in Tae Kwon Do. Possibly Aikido as well.
Do you wear jewelry? And if so, do you wear them all the time? Yes, I wear my bracelet all the time, but not my earrings.
If you were in a battle, where would you likely be? Planning, Fighting, Support? Fighting. I don't really plan and I tend to rush in.
Close-Combat or Long Range? Close Combat
Do you prefer using a weapon, or your own body/hands? Body/hands
Are you more likely to go all out or conserve your energy? Conserve energy.
How would you react if you see someone bullying your good friend? I'd defend them. Mostly verbally, since I would never deal the first hit. Only if they hit me for defending my friend would I retaliate.
Do you like eating? Not really. I forget to eat all the time.
Soba or sweets? Sweets.
Leader or Follower? Follower. I wouldn't be able to lay on a firm idea.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? You're askin' the wrong person.
Any thoughts or ideas on other stamping themes?Um... *Thinks* Can't come up with anything :V
Computer hates, so I'll fix tags when I'm able to ;__;