Name: Codi
Age: 23
Stamped as: Miranda Lotto
Applications voted on: =1= // =2= // =3= Describe your personality again: shy, quiet, friendly, bit of an emo sometimes other times im happy go lucky, though usually thats a front, dont want people to see me upset
1) Your likes? anime, manga, crosswords, word searches, books, watching movies, computer games and video games
2) Dislikes?being bored, roaches, spiders
3) Your good points and your bad points? good points= friendly, stubborn, hard working
bad points=worry too much and will apologize for even the smallest thing that doesn't need apologizing for.
4) What energy level are you? medium
5) Are you passionate? sometimes
6) More likely to love or be loved? more likely to love seeing as how no one has loved me the way i loved them :(
7) Describe the type of guy/girl you like: someone sweet and romantic, fun, a bit outgoing, honest, doesn't lie or cheat, doesn't order me around
8) What you like to do on a date? ummm anything is fine as long as i'm with the person i like
9) What would an ideal date for you be like? i would love to go for a picnic next to a lake or on the beach at night. with candles and good food and good conversation ^_^
10) What traits would you NOT like to see in your significant other?/What traits turn you off in a person? lying, cheating, rudeness, arrogant
11) Which character do you think you're incompatible with? maybe cross and bookman
12) Opposites attract? yes
13) What are your takes/views on the following?
- War it's annoying but it's a part of life
- Happiness hmmm.......i guess it's something everyone wants. idk.
- Friends *shrugs*
- Self-indulgence ummmmm.....idk....nothing comes to mind
- Jealousy hate it