Name: Maddie
Age: 14
Stamped as: Miranda, Equipment type, and Miranda again! :D because you totally wanted all three
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=3= Describe your personality again: how many fucking timesWhen you need me, I'll be there for you. I try not to be a bitch most of the time. People tell me I'm adorable(I don't exactly agree=/). I have a killer sense of humor. I don't let people know what I really think of them. For example, I could hate you and be really nice to you. Why is this a flaw? It's like lying, and the only reason I don't tell them is because I'm afraid I'll be alone. I'm afraid to say what I want because I think people will look down on me. I sometimes think I'm better then other people and sometimes think I'm pond scum. I get emotional about small things, and I tend to overdramatize everything. Sometimes I hate myself. Sometimes I love myself. I have mood swings. I can be happy one minute, pissy the next. I'm way too quiet. I'm apathetic, and somtimes I think things don't matter at all. But then again, the next second I'm pissed off because someone forgot to call me back. There's more mood swings for you. I'm paranoid, and I think everybody kind of hates me. I give myself too much credit. I set my standards too high and get disappointed when everything I want doesn't happen. I can be lazy and procrastinate. ...I think too many things are wrong with me xD
1) Your likes? Anime, manga, shoujo, shonen, mushy fluffy shit, love/hate relationships, love/love relationships, tension, music, sad songs, slow songs, love songs, adorable people, angsty people, emo people, complicated plot twists, 'omg' moments, 'oh no he didn't' moments, the ocean, the beach, seahorses, puppies, old disney movies, shy people, sleeping, the moment you wake up and you can feel the sun on your face, dancing(badly), singing(badly), being hyper, talking on the phone, IMing, e-mailing, reading letters, breezes, spring, summer, autumn, winter, musicals, pretty colors(purple, pink, blue), the sound of babies laughter, giggling, happiness!
2) Dislikes? People who are too outgoing, people who challenge my view of things(I kind of really hate change =/), people who try to get me to come out of my shell, being out of my comfort zone, people who don't shut up(jeez, I sound like I hate people. I really don't.) Self-righteousness, being overemotional, making a mountain out of a molehill.
3) Your good points and your bad points? All up there in personality... I actually put the good ones first and the bad ones last =Oand of course I didn't copy paste stfu
4) What energy level are you? Medium, most of the time. I can be really energetic sometimes and basically be sleepwalking others.
5) Are you passionate? I can be passionate about things I really care about, but I'm apathetic about most things.
6) More likely to love or be loved? I'd say... be loved? I don't know, really. I don't think anybody would really love me, but I can't see myself completely loving anybody either. Just goes to show you about the whole 'You can't be happy with others until you're happy with yourself' thing... I'm trying! >.<
7) Describe the type of guy/girl you like: I neeeeeeeed to have trust. I get paranoid and suspicious extremely easy, so trust is definitely neccessary. For guys.... I kind of have a weak spot for angst >.<;; I like them to be sensitive to the needs of others, to be compassionate, and empathetic. Impulsiveness is also a weak spot ;D For girls... Shyness is so cute ;;;;; I don't really like big, busty girls... Smaller is cuter >.<
8) What you like to do on a date? Dinner and a movie, where we talk about ourselves~ no need for overkill, right?
9) What would an ideal date for you be like? ...Idn't that basically the same question as the last one?
10) What traits would you NOT like to see in your significant other?/What traits turn you off in a person? I wouldn't like to see selfishness or greed, definitely. I don't want them to expect me to be a housewife or whatever... Laziness=no, sloppiness=no. Definitely no lying >.< I HATE ARROGANCE AND OVERCONFIDENCE. Modesty is good, ne~
11) Which character do you think you're incompatible with? Incompatible... I really don't like Road, Jasdevi, Tyki, or Kanda. Kanda is a arrogant jerk; Tyki and Road and Jasdevi scare the shit out of me. Especially Tyki. ;;;;;;;; Man eating butterflies, dude. I never cease to be creeped out.
12) Opposites attract? I think not total opposites, but being too alike definitely wouldn't be a good thing for me.
13) What are your takes/views on the following?
- War I think it's neccessary sometimes. Definitely not right now :K We need to pull out our troops D:
- Happiness Happiness is good, duh. Hard to reach, but good. ^^
- Friends Friends are lovely~ Unless they stab you in the back D:
- Self-indulgence Life is too short, man. Enjoy it while you can. ;D
- Jealousy I've never really been that jealous... maybe because I'm apathetic about a lot of things?