Ok, if i start this post out like a raving nerd no one will listen to me. all of my steely will now is focused on keeping my fevered heart beating quietly and my fingers typing slowly as to not flail out of control and kill everyone within a five mile radius.
(a series of deep breaths)
I know you people are not cool uber-gamers like me (see how i didn't use 1337, that is how SERIOUS i am right now) so maybe these words are lost on you but i am ever hopeful some good will come out of this. Animal Crossing Animal Crossing Animal Crossing
MY Animal Crossing :). is an unbelievable game which i am going to buy the holy shit out of when the handheld version comes out.
now i know some of you are already rolling your eyes and shame on you for denying the excitable inner child inside of you, you fucking fascists. video games are totally awesome and i'm seriously MAD AT ALL OF YOU for not playing or discussing them with me. or even UNDERSTANDING what i am all about. This post really didn't need to take a turn down the whole here is why no one feels as passionately for this cool stuff as i do" road but here we are just bear with me while i finish dying a little bit.
1. girls with childish voices
2. efficient web-browsing
2.1 efficiency in general. seriously i am getting hot here thinking about dvorak keyboards and my new firefox plugins.
3. totally useless but neat high tech art
4. bionics
5. an honest appreciation for image macro duels.
for starters... oh it really bugs me
ok listen, this game is about more than just accumulating worldly possessions to put in your house. that would be missing the point, its totally about community, both within game and without, its about friendship and JOY. i swear to god im going to go to all of your houses one by one and shout at you until you buy it.
all of those feel-good games which aren't manly or some shit, like katamari, ico and taiko drum drum are pure unadulterated joy that is so necessary for LIFE.