Your Name: Meredith
Mate's Name: Tillal
His/her Age: 18
Location: Cincinnati, OH
How long have you been together?: 4 months
Where did you meet (and by meet we mean you have to have met one another e-relationships)?: At a friend's house
If you could describe your mate using 3 words, what would they be?: Happy, Funny, Caring
Tell us an experience involving your mate that has evolved your relationship: Well, I got to go to Saudi Arabia with him a few months ago. I was so scared and thought I was the biggest idiot in the world for going to what I thought would be a warzone, but it was really peaceful and a really pretty country. But being that he was the only person who I could talk to, literaly... and needing so much help with everything really showed me how caring he is.
Why do you feel you as a couple should be accepted into rate_my_mate: Well, Tillal is an adorable guy, he loves life and cares about everyone. hehe I highly rate my mate.
Something unique about him/her: He is from Saudi Arabia, I'm from S.Africa and we ended up in the same place. Also, his dad is a pilot back in Saudi Arabia and he flys around the king, we got to meet him once.
Promote this community to 1-3 people, who did you promote to: I put it in a personal entry, and promoted to friends through AIM