«Haunt» из The Universal Sigh

Jul 09, 2011 21:12

  • desire company, lack self-esteem and want to prove self
  • feel the disappointment and unhappiness that was present in childhood
  • cannot understand what is wrong
  • irritable and dissatisfied
  • friendly and open, yet feel that nothing is right
  • restless, dislike routine, need stimulation and have trouble getting up in the morning
  • react badly to shock and have intense fears, especially of being in a crowd, and dislike going out
  • spend hours frantically sorting things out, but tend not to accomplish much
  • irritable, nervous, restless and hard to please
  • restless, hopeless, morose and have a morbid imagination
  • no matter how ill, deny that anything is wrong and refuse to see a doctor
  • prefer to be left alone
  • fit and healthy, strong, energetic mind and body
  • lively and entertaining
  • when ill, become violent and obstinate
  • may hit, bite or kick
  • illness characterised by restless, agitated behaviour, with extreme sensitivity to light, noise, movement or being touched
  • set high goals
  • driving ambition leads to workaholism
  • an excessive sense of duty, always feel as if haven't done as well as should
  • sensitive to others' opinions and easily hurt
  • may become despairing
  • can lead to clinical depression and suicide
  • very materialistic
  • see life as a struggle for financial security
  • great fear of poverty even if financially successful
  • clean-lining, critical, meticulous, reliable
  • fear the supernatural, prefer daylight to darkness, have very fixed ideas