Newbie// Appl.

Sep 19, 2005 20:12

name: Lissy
age: 14 (15 in a month)
live: in a house
sexuality: straight
single or occupied: single
number 1 love (can be anything): umm...umm...God..for real.
Why do you want to be here: Cause.
how did u find us:I remembered _xjesus_freakx_ had promoted once..

This or that: provide thought out statements
movies or tv tv...cause movies you gotta sit still for.
jessica or ashlee jessica..cause i really don't like ashlee.
single or occupied uhhh occupied...cause I think love is nice.
tv or computer computer...DER. just cause DER.

movie: elf....i think or the incredibles hahah
tv show: Gilmore Girls
article of clothing: Shirts
day of year: first day of summer
celebration: umm christmas
color: pink
actor: tom hanks
actress: dont have one
singer(s): rebecca st. james
season: Summer!!!

longer answer questions

what do you think of
abortion: I am against it because it really isnt right that humans now have the right to choose whether or not someone has a chance to and live....and really...deciding whether this living thing has a choice or not to live...I mean the baby doesnt have a voice..
smoking: ehhh well it just isnt healthy....and sinceour bodies are belong to God we shouldn't be messing it up.
president: I respect him. He is the leader of our country and so far hasn't let us down yet..he has done his job and protected our country and freedom.
death penalty: ummm in certain cases...if you ended someones life..why should you get to live?

If you could
be president for a day what would you do: ummm...probably freak out and wet my pants...I CANNOT HANDLE ALL THAT POWER...i would be so scared.
if you were the opposite gender: UHHH....enjoy the lack of monthly visits...
change something in this community: everything seems cool here
be mod for a day: ummm...tell people what to do...haha i dunno

last but not least
PROMOTE US TO 3 PLACES (no promoting communities)

|x| pressingon_2 (
|x| reverberate__ (
|x| dawnescapeth ( )

pictures (3 at least)
must be good quality. no fuzzy crap



TRES I am the one on the right..

last words: I LIKE YOU.
anything else?: I WANT A TWIX!
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