|.X.|Age-14 (15 in Dec)
|.X.|Where are you from-London, England
|.X.|Relationship Status-have a boyfriend
|.X.|Music Picks-erm, i assume this means music I like? My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevevfold, Marilyn Manson
|.X.|Fav Movies-Oh, 'tis v tricky. Erm......anything with a complicated storyline, really. Or lesbians
|.X.|Nicknames-Mo (short for eskimo-long story), Maz, Moo, "that wierd british chick" (used when visiting my dad in California
|.X.|What you do in your freetime-play guitar, sing, take pictures, hang out with mates, listen to music while telling my friends (mainly Pippa) how to sort out their lives
|.X.|Fav article of clothing/Outfit-oh, um........my D.M's!!! I couldn't LIVE without them! My fave outfit? Most things, so long as am wearing my faveourite underwear underneath...
|.X.|3+ Pictures-oh, a bit nervous now-just seen people on here. Most of you are WAY HOT! Oh well, here goes......
well, erm, not much left to say. Be nice? :S lol