Name: -キス-KISU
Birthday: 7/21
Age: 15
Psychic (!) gender: (Means which gender do you think you are, not which you are physically) i`m defiantly male.
Best traits: not quick to judge, open-minded, loving, cuddly
Worst traits: clingy, whiney, lazy, mega procrastinator, jealous, pervert, narcissistic >_>
Average Mood: sleepy
Hobbies: sleeping, playing TS2 and World of Warcraft with Yumi!, reading, sleeping, sleeping…
Likes: YUMI!!, food, sleep, manga, music, yaoi, boy love, hentai, smut, incest gay porn, sleep, aquariums, sleep, sleep, sleep (though I don`t seem to get much of it these days..), going to the zoo, blood, art, cute people, feeling helpless
Dislikes: homophobia, animal abuse, not getting my way, crowds, lots of people, bad smells, cleaning, dirty dishes (=__=;)
Favorite brands: SEX POT ReVeNGe, h.NAOTO, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Angelic Pretty, Moi-meme-Moitie..
Favorite bands: 176BIZ, PANIC ch, An Cafe, D'AIR, ASAGI, Metronome, HYDE, Moi dix Mois, Blam Honey, Kaya, Schwarz Stein..
Height: 5’2”-3”ish, my doctor says 5’2” but my friend who they also say is 5’2” is shorter than me by an inch. >_<
Weight: 100-105 lbs depending on how much I felt like eating o_O
Describe your style: i`ve no style XD I wish I did, but i`m waiting until I finish high school before I concentrate on what I wear.
Any piercings or tattoos? What and where?: ear: 4 lobe, 2 cartilage
Pictures: (Photographs of yourself)
This is my new hair for school >_>
and it looked like this over summer ^^