
Feb 25, 2004 23:17

I'm sorry that I've been so quiet lately. Over the last week I started a number of entries in my head, but for some reason my energy level had been that of a wilted vegetable. Then yesterday evening I got a sudden high fever, so now I really feel like crap -- though better than last night, I even saw a doctor this morning because I felt so awful, who was however rather unimpressed and sent me home with the advice to rest and drink a lot. Duh, I didn't need a doctor to tell me that, but apparently I wasn't about to die anytime soon, despite feeling like it. *g* Anyway, I hope that my former mildly crappy state was connected to the infection that now's causing my fever, and I'll feel alright again once I'm over it. So as a kind of stand-in for the "real" entries, I would have written had I felt less crappy, you get this, in no particular order:
  • The last Angel episode was great, Muppet!Angel rocked, however I had that self-esteem song stuck in my head for almost a day.
  • I enjoyed the last two Daredevil issues, i.e. 56 and 57, a lot, and I loved the cover of 57.
  • I've also read the first issue of The Pulse, which was good, but I think it's in the Ultimate Spider-Man continuity, so I'm missing some of the backstory. I've started to catch up with Ultimate Spider-Man (I once again fell victim to kerithwyn's pimping) but I have only read the first couple of issues so far.
  • I've also read a couple of older Batman comics, for example Year Two. The good news is, that I can now include information from that issue in my series of posts on Batman's origin story, the bad news is that I was quite underwhelmed with the story. I also read the Teen Titan's Spotlight issue #14 with Nightwing, which also left me unimpressed and its art isn't really good (I think it's the faces), but someone knows fannish kinks or we wouldn't get a tied up Batman in a slave auction setting, with some thug selling him for demasking and killing to the highest bidder and Nightwing coming to his rescue. So that kind of made up for some of the comics weaknesses.
  • I also read some older Action Comics Weekly with Nightwing and Speedy (that story, "The Cheshire Contract" ran from #613-618), which had lots of nice relationship stuff, e.g. Nightwing talking to Roy about his breakup with Batman. I've also finally read the more recent Arsenal mini-series, and I'm liking Arsenal more and more.

And not that it is in any way relevant, but I'd really like a laptop so that I could use my computer from bed.

marvel, dc, comics, scans, health, scans: marvel, scans: dc

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