that Obsess Much? meme

Nov 13, 2003 09:40

I gakked it from cathexys, though it seems keelywolfe started this questionnaire meme:

Do you check your e-mail/friendslist first thing every day? Before breakfast? Before going to the bathroom? In the middle of the night as you walk back from the bathroom?
Every day -- unless I'm on vacation -- usually while I'm eating breakfast. Sometimes before breakfast, not before going to the bathroom though. And I skip booting my computer altogether when I'm running late, because it would only result in me running very late. And I don't check when I wake up at night, either. Well okay sometimes. But really not all that often, and only when I didn't shut down the computer over night.

How many times do you check your e-mail a day? Once? Twice? More than five? More than you can count?
When I'm at my own computer it checks my mailbox automatically, but I don't use other computers to check my email unless I'm away from mine for more than two days or so. I admit though that my internet dependency got worse. Like last year I was at a four day comic con, and I was really starting to miss checking email and the internet in general towards the end of the con (I didn't go to an internet cafe, mostly because I spent all money I had to spare and then some on comics). Something which didn't happen before with just a few days away from computers. I mean, when I came home late that Sunday I turned on the computer before I had even fully unpacked, which I found a bit disturbing.

How about your friends list? Do you jump at the sight of the pretty flashing icon from Semagic that tells you someone's posted?
Usually... Though my client isn't from Semagic.

How many times a week do you read fanfiction? If you're a writer, how often do you sit down to write? Do you carry a notebook so you can write down story ideas while you are out on the town? How about when you're at work?
I used to read fanifc every day when I was reading mostly TS, because then I conveniently got the stories delivered to my inbox, and there were just two main archives to check for new interesting stuff. Now I read in more fandoms, but in my current favorite fandoms there is either less fanfic, or I'm not all that interested in fanfic, or both, and with many other fandoms I only read when I see a rec, or when someone posts stuff to their LJ and I check it out. On average I still read a couple of fics every week, but much less than I used to, and there are days when I read none.

Do you ever get so desperate for fanfiction you'll read in fandoms you know little or nothing about? Even if the story isn't that good?
No. I'm more likely to kill time other unproductive ways.

Do you ever spend more than you can really afford on fannish things?
Yes. Regularly. And it's gotten much worse since I got into comic fandoms. Before that I collected comics too, but that weren't superhero universes, I collected individual comics, mostly by a few artists I liked. Now there is this backlog of thousands of comics I want in order to catch up with my favorite characters.

Do you either go to a con every year or desperately wish you could?
I wish I could attend more cons. I usually only go to the comic con in Erlangen, which is every second year, and haven't missed it since 1992. I would have gone in 1990, but even two years later (when I was already 16) my mother insisted that I don't travel alone, and iirc unlike two years later, my brother didn't have time, also the con is not on a holiday weekend in Northern Germany, but only in the Catholic South where the con is, so back then I had to convince my parents to let me skip school too. I'd like to go to some of the other European comic cons, especially Angoulême, to get to meet more artists and see the exhibitions, and to some of the US fan cons to meet people I only met online so far.


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