I probably should just try to have fewer open tabs, but thus far my solution has been a Firefox tab group extension, so whenever things get too crowded my main browser window, I shove some tabs into other groups (like "stuff to (maybe) read in fandom x") and deal with it later (or not).
Only now I've seen a notice that because Mozilla changed the underlying framework for the extensions or something, the
Tab Group Extension I'm using will stop working later this year with Firefox 57, and apparently it's not feasible for the developer to switch to the new system.
I know there are multiple tab group extensions, but I assume that in the background most started like my current one from the Mozilla code that used to have this as standard feature, and use the same methods that will become deprecated in the near future.
Do you know of any that will continue to work? Is there a way to tell from the add-on descriptions as a user if there isn't an explicit notice on this issue?
This entry was originally posted at
http://ratcreature.dreamwidth.org/600390.html. |