Don't comic writers ever read a few past issues?!?

Sep 02, 2003 15:30


Before I continue, this is not the scheduled rant about Gotham Knights #44 with which I have similar issues. This is about Daredevil. You see, because of the upcoming David Mack issues (I really like his art) and kerithwyn's recs of all things Bendis, I've decided to read the issues of Daredevil Volume 2 leading up to this (especially since I found out that David Mack not only has written some, but also done art on some of them, I somehow had missed that, because when I first got into his stuff I haven't been following superhero comics).

Anyway, somewhere between the first arc and the Underboss storyline, they decided to completely change Foggy's mother. In the first arc "Guardian Devil" Rosalind Sharpe is senior partner at the law firm where Matt and Foggy are working. She's very cool and collected and not very emotional. When her son is indicted for murder she cuts him loose to protect the firm. Which eventually leads to Matt and Foggy opening their own. You see the character in Exhibit A from #3:

Now skip forward two dozen issues to Exhibit B from #27:

What the frell happened to this character?!? Why do they do this? Did they change her back to an earlier version? Is there any reason at all? Don't they have editors?! And it's not like she last appeared in some obscure out-of-print issue from the 1960s either.

*bangs head against the monitor*

ETA: The only reason I can think of that makes sense if Foggy has more than one set of parents due to being adopted or something. Maybe there's a spark of hope yet. I shall research his background on the net...

marvel, comics, scans, continuity, marvel: continuity, daredevil, scans: marvel

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