I finished checking all my crossover recs

Sep 06, 2015 03:16

I stayed up way too late, but my crossover recs once again link to the stories.

Four crossovers have gone missing since I last updated. :(

One is an HP/X-Men xover by penknife, Stutter (ca. 1,500 words), that is a timestamp to Curiosities (needs and AO3 account) (ca. 4,045 words), but unlike that, it is not on AO3, and the LJ version, that used to be at http://penknife.livejournal.com/344056.html has been locked.

The second is a Numb3rs/SGA xover, Crooked Line (ca. 8,600 words), by miss_zedem, that used to be at: http://miss-zedem.livejournal.com/383309.html but the whole LJ has been deleted. From my description: "This is set during The Return for SGA, but its premise is that there was a relationship between John and Charlie in the past and they are meeting again for a temporary reunion. I really liked that this was low on the relationship angst and drama, yet not a PWP either."

The last two are a set of gen Supernatural/Terminator crossovers by vorrothiel but the LJ has been locked. The first "where the grass is green and the girls are pretty" (ca. 2,165 words) used to be at: http://vorrothiel.livejournal.com/159234.html and its sequel "oh, won't you please take me home" (ca. 2,700 words) at: http://vorrothiel.livejournal.com/161147.html. From my description: "There's something about crossovers between Supernatural and Terminator that really appeals to me. The universes just go together like hazelnuts and chocolate, IMO. Anyway, this one has the unique premise that Ash used to know John Connor in high school."

At least I have copies of all of these because I commented on them and at the time had a paid LJ account that sent me my comments with the quoted entry.

This entry was originally posted at http://ratcreature.dreamwidth.org/573211.html. |

recs, fanfic: looking for..., crossovers

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