Aug 17, 2003 17:02
So I did a search for when the X-Men 2 movie DVD would come out here (turns out it won't be until November), but as I searched for X-Men I noticed that there was an X-Men: Evolution DVD, too. I haven't seen this cartoon, but heard about it, and the price wasn't too bad, so I looked how many episodes were on this DVD. And then I noticed that whoever put together the release was a moron. It has five episodes on it, but not the first five episodes, nor a "Best Of" collection, no, it's the first five episodes of the second season. At first I thought "Huh, so there have to be earlier DVDs." but no, there aren't (well not Region 2 ones anyway). I mean, that just makes no sense, does it? Why would they start with the second season? I'm not going to shell out money if I don't even get to see the start of a series.