I kind of hate when series switch to hardcover first publishing

Oct 29, 2014 20:52

I'm dithering whether I should pre-order the hardcover of Foxglove Summer, the fifth in the Rivers of London series, which comes out on November 13th, or wait for the paperback. It's harder because the paperback doesn't come out that much later, on January 8th, so it's not even a two month wait, not a year or anything, and that would be nine euro cheaper (almost twelve if I got the US paperback).

OTOH, I really like the series, so waiting longer than necessary would suck. Also Amazon seems kind of confused about the publishing date for the paperback, because it lists the UK paperback with both a January and a July date, and the US with a January one. So maybe the paperback would mean a longer wait after all. And it's one of those fandoms that I enjoy checking out in Yuletide, where there might be fanfic posted for it, and I'd have to avoid checking out those as well to avoid spoilers.

This entry was originally posted at http://ratcreature.dreamwidth.org/558420.html. |


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