sigh. computer rant -- the sequel

Jul 19, 2003 07:05

It's past seven a.m., I had no sleep, I'm therefore tired and cranky, but my computer is at least fully functional once again. (At least I really hope there are no further unpleasant surprises.) That is the bit of good news I wanted to share. However I didn't make the kernel update work. By half past five I had tried for hours to fix things with that update, and it just got worse and worse and worse... I then decided to try to backtrack to the non-broken state, and not care that my kernel would have security holes, that might be exploited. It's not like I run a network or a webserver, and I think it's rather unlikely that someone exploits "possible denial of service attack (DoS) in the routing code" or "possible attack of an unprivileged user via ioport" and such on my system. Well, more unlikely than me wanting to use my usb devices and my graphics card properly anyway.

rants, computer

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