check out the Secret Mutant story I got!

Dec 17, 2012 02:51

One of my prompts asked for an XMFC take on Erik's and Magda's backstory. The story I was gifted takes elements from the comics and merges them into XMFC. As you can guess from the subject matter, it is not a fluffy story (and you should heed the warning for graphic violence), but it ends at a somewhat hopeful point in the string of tragedies in Erik's life.

So go and read: Geheimnisträger (12476 words, Erik/Magda) by Anonymous

(and despite the German word as title, it has no gratuitous German dialog to trip over <3!)

Unrelated, I let my extra icon package on LJ expire, because I've bee using it much less often, so like with IJ you might miss some of my icons from now on if you follow my LJ-crossposts rather than the DW posts.

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secretmutant, recs, squee, recs: x-men

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