new blog layout...

Jun 14, 2003 03:21

My life, okay new layouts for my pages, would be so much easier if I hadn't decided to be consequent about not mixing design and content and only position with CSS not with tables. It's not that I think CSS positioning is difficult in its concepts, and it's not like I want especially difficult designs either, or micromanage every letter position and line break. What gets to me is when I have no idea why a browser decides on rendering margins and paddings that I never put there, or ignores other margins altogether for some elements, when the design should work.

Anyway, I decided to give my blog a new layout, and after some wrangling, and careful strategizing for how to choose margins etc., it now looks basically like I want it in the three browsers I have (Mozilla, Opera and the KDE browser, all for Linux), and without resorting to voodoo-like CSS hacks too.

So now I'm curious whether it looks like it is supposed to in Windows or Mac browsers. (Well newer ones anyway, obviously it can't look good in browsers which don't support CSS positioning, but then my site isn't designed with Netscape 4 in mind, in those cases the pages are only readable, but don't look nice). So if anyone has a minute to take a look, it would be cool to have reassurance that it doesn't look broken (opinions on the layout in general are of course welcome too).

It should be fairly obvious what the intended layout is and what glitches. It's a simple two column layout with a picture on top, the whole thing is fixed width to fit the picture size and ought to be centered in the browser window, the title is supposed to be positioned in the lower right of the picture, and obviously the borders and such are supposed to be regular lines without strange gaps or shifts.

web design

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