Thirty Days of Fanart Meme: Day 29 & 30

Aug 04, 2011 12:10

29 - What is your current project or projects?

Just counting things for which at least something exists as scribbles on paper or in digital files:

There is the piece I started for the SGA Reverse Bang, where I then had to drop out for RL reasons, and which I then stopped working on. It's a steampunkish team scene, where the team in costumes stands around a table in a library with a map open (they are planning for something), and a lot of mechanical gadgets doing something are arranged there too (like curios). Also for some reason Sheppard has a tiny dragon sitting on his shoulder.

There is that Sanctuary thing where wanted to do a creature encounter diary/file/portfolio for some abnormal (inspired sort of by the credits), and I had decided to do a Mothman (after I did a poll here), but then some similar creature appeared in canon, and my design ideas didn't work with that new canon, and I'm not sure what to do now after being kind of jossed. I.e. whether to continue this, or draw them like in canon so that it fit (though I'm not thrilled with that), or maybe switch to another creature. So that's stalled now.

Then there is the X-Men/Watership Down fusion for which I got the inspiration from a kink meme prompt, and I thought it would be simple, but it turned out rather hard to draw a Rabbit!Magneto freeing another rabbit from a metal trap, and I'm currently still stuck with a ton of thumbnails, a whole pile of photos of sitting rabbits as well as action shots of rabbits, and stupid photos of small, supposed-to-represent-rabbits models I arranged to figure out composition and perspective. Anyway, much harder than I thought, even though this premise already dodges my usual stumbling block of character likeness what with them being rabbits. (I really wish I had an eye for caricature to get likeness right. I think that is the art ability I covet most, but have no idea how to cultivate, short of the extremely labor intensive method of doing thousands of sketches of different faces trying to pick out the distinctive features, which makes my inner sloth recoil.)

The list of potential artworks that so far only exists as text description of ideas is much longer. Looking at my file that is a total of 35 fanart concept ideas in 12 different fandoms, but considering that some of them have been on that for several year now, I can't exactly count those as "projects".

30 - Do you have a favorite piece of fanart you've created? What makes it your favorite? And don't forget to give us a link!

Uh. This is hard. I'm quite proud how my Star Trek Reverse Bang art turned out. I think the atmosphere with the giant statues works and I did a decent job with a group of people. Also it was the first time I tried a painting without ink lineart for clarity, and I like the result.

meme: 30 days of fanart, meme

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