Thirty Days of Fanart Meme: Day 27 & 28

Aug 03, 2011 08:29

27 - Where is your favorite place to create art, and do you use traditional media, or digital ones, or both?

For scribbling ideas my favorite place is actually my bed, because it also functions as my couch, so that's were I sit/lie with my laptop when I read fanfic or watch tv. My initial sketches are always pencil, so that is no problem doing in a comfortable spot (for a while I stuck with a resolution to try to do more life sketches, and drew people on the bus and such but I feel always self-conscious and awkward -- I probably should do more of that, exercise being good for you and all that, but the public is not a favorite place). However it gets rather unergonomic when I do digital inking like that (it probably is unergonomic with paper too, but a sketchbook or pad is easily held, rearranged and not very heavy compared to a laptop/tablet setup), though I still do it for quicker pictures even though neither my back nor my right hand thank me for it, not least because my actual desk tends to be often buried under all kinds of crap. For traditional painting I use said desk with an improvised drawing board put up.

28 - Have you ever collaborated with anyone else, whether a shared art project, or illustrations for story, or having a writer work on a piece based on your art?

I've never collaborated closely. In the ST Reverse Bang a writer wrote a story based on my art, I've got a drabble for a picture once, and I've done ten illustrations for fanfic stories, but I don't ask permission or talk to the authors before I draw something. I show them the illustration afterwards and most authors seem happy to get fanart. Only once did I have an author not react at all when I linked my fanart in a comment. I suppose she could have not gotten the LJ comment notification, though the LJ was still active and in use when I commented, or she could have disliked it and not said anything, but either way, that was somewhat disheartening, especially since it was a fairly elaborate painting.

Anyway, the way I've done illustrations so far hasn't been really a collaboration. I sometimes think it might be fun to do work more closely with a writer, maybe on a comic or something like that, where there would be a back and forth, but comics are a lot of work, and I'm lazy.

meme: 30 days of fanart, meme

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