Daredevil v3 #1

Jul 23, 2011 23:15

I haven't read whatever miniseries came inbetween Shadowland (which I found a letdown overall) and this, but it seems clear enough that they want to bring Daredevil back to the status quo, while maybe backing slightly away from the extreme Matt-whumping. Currently Daredevil is the only Marvel I still read, so I mostly hope for a solid, self-contained story. And you can't tell much from just the first issue of a new storyline, but it has promise at least.

I like how they are handling Matt's senses, and it seems Matt will be doing things related to his work as lawyer. And Waid's Matt voice overall works for me too.

The backup story I found mostly pointless, even though in general I like sense exploration and moments between Foggy and Matt, but whatever the emotional point between them was supposed to be didn't really come across to me. And sense-wise, I didn't understand at all what that thing with the music was. First Matt plays violin badly, then he suddenly acquires that ability in the time some train arrives? Just, what? If anyone could explain this bit to me, I'd be grateful. Also what's with the food policing? That was a bit bizarre, though Matt's harping of Foggy eating popcorn managed to induce a sudden popcorn craving for me, and caused me to make myself some, albeit in a pot, because I don't have a microwave.

Unrelated, I just have to gripe about the weather a bit. Admittedly it is far, far better than a heat wave, because even moderate heat will make me truly miserable, but I would not mind if the highs weren't quite *this* low. Seriously, 14°C with rain? Couldn't it be a sunny 22°C? *grump*

comics: reviews, marvel, comics, daredevil, reviews, whining

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