Thirty Days of Fanart Meme: Day 7

Jul 22, 2011 07:59

7 - Have you ever had a piece of fanart change your opinion of a character?

Not that I can think of, at least not one of mine. I've probably come across character design choices by others that changed how I visualized previously non-visual canon or even made more sense than visual canon, but I can't think of an example there either. Overall my views of characters are rather malleable, so I can accept a variety of versions both in art and fic, but they usually only last while I engage with that work, rather than causing me to shift my views.

The influence of fanworks and fanon on me are more subtle and cumulative. I mean, I have gone for example from Harry/Snape? no way that works! after reading the books, to seeing how it can be made work after a bunch of enjoyable fic in so far that it doesn't ping me as completely improbable anymore, because I've seen the dots connected so often, but there was no single fanwork changing my mind.

fanart: meme, meme: 30 days of fanart, meme

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