Thirty Days of Fanart Meme: Day 2

Jul 17, 2011 10:23

2 - Name the fandoms you've made fanart for, and how much you've created in that fandom, and if you still create in it.

For main numbers I counted only "regular" fanart, but because I'm not very prolific in the brackets is the number if I include quick drawbles, meme responses, comment pictures and such. I didn't count icons of any kind, neither my own, nor the ones I've made from the sources. Some crossover and fusion pieces are counted twice. I omitted some fandoms for which I've only done a single drawble.

Avatar the Last Airbender 1 (4)
DC Comics 23 (48)
Dresden Files 2 (4)
Farscape 0 (4)
Harry Potter 9 (17)
Marvel 3 (9)
Merlin 1 (4)
Muppets 3 (5)
Sherlock Holmes 0 (3)
Stargate Atlantis 6 (25)
Star Trek 1 (8)
Star Wars 1 (7)
Supernatural 0 (6)
Temeraire 3 (6)
Terminator 0 (2)
Watership Down 1 (2)

As to whether I still create in a fandom, that's hard to say. I never really leave a fandom completely, and for many my interest is somewhat cyclic, i.e. I drift out for a time, then revisit them. For the fandom where I've been most prolific, i.e. DC, I have currently no plans to tackle any of the fanart ideas I jotted down back when I was active there, though I'd still do drawbles in it. I have a partially-finished SGA piece that I have the best intentions to finish at some point, not least because I already put a bit of work in the pencil drawing beyond merely scribbles. Looking at my file with fanart ideas, there are still several I'd like to realize in Harry Potter, Merlin, SGA, Star Trek and Dresden Files, but who knows. I guess It would be more truthful to say that I'd like to have those images finished (bonus points for magically looking like in my head), but the realization part is rather more tricky with my work ethic routinely hovering between "inert sludge" and "sloth".

navel-gazing, fanart: meme, meme: 30 days of fanart, meme

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