Leo again, also fanart recs

Jun 01, 2011 20:55

I brought Leo to the vet yesterday, and he gave him his usual shot (which he's been getting twice a week to help him fight the myco on his own, some kind of tarantula venom derived thing which apparently has inconclusive results in studies, but according to my vet is worth a try and Leo's held on for two months with it now after all) and in addition to that something to stimulate his appetite because Leo wasn't eating anymore, and an antibiotic they hadn't tried last time around with the antibiotics. I thought they went through all the antibiotic options two months ago when four different ones failed, but apparently there still was one that could be tried with injections.

Today he's been slightly better, not much, but he's been eating a little, and when I gave him something especially tasty he also showed enough interest that he grabbed it and went to eat in a corner away from his brother, so he wouldn't loose the treat. Also, while yesterday and the day before he hasn't come out of the cage at all, just now he's been out and taking a look around, and even climbing furniture. I think in part he showed interest because I had to tidy up and clean my place because the heating meters were read today, so he had to check things out.

Anyway, it still doesn't look great for him, and he has gotten pitifully thin, but he's not yet retreating into a hole, ready to give up and die either, as I had almost feared imminent last weekend. So I don't know, but I hope he'll be tenacious and fight a little while longer. His next vet appointment is Friday, and I'm crossing my fingers that the current slight upward trend in appetite and liveliness holds up, indicating that the current med cocktail is helping him.

In other news, I recced four pieces of DC fanart last month on
fanart_recs and will probably rec Star Wars this month, because that came second in the poll I did last month. Others have signed up to rec DC Comics, Harry Potter, Inception, Naruto, Odin Sphere, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, and Star Trek Reboot, which is an awesome increase in reccer numbers compared to last month. So even with the occasional drop out the comm ought to be busier this month than last.

recs: fanart, recs: dc, rats

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