May 29, 2011 01:40
Occasionally I get comments on my fanart blog, though unfortunately for the most part it's either spam or flames. Anyway, I got a comment on a Tim/Kon fanart, and it took me several minutes to figure out that it was indeed a flame, because the commenter spelled "offensive" as "efinsov". I only figured it out for sure because they posted another comment, that one calling me "lame" and threatening with violence.
As a side note, trying to discourage Tim/Kon fanart via flaming has to be a truly Sisyphean task, especially if you include the non-explicit art like mine (Superboy and Robin just kissing, no nudity or anything), because this one of the most popular DC pairings, and you could hardly avoid seeing more explicit images in any search for these two. Case in point, if you do a google image search for "Tim Kon", the first image is currently my fanart (though not on my WP blog), but the second image is a fanart showing a Tim giving Kon a blowjob, and pretty much every other picture is slash fanart, or slashy comic scans from picspams and such compiled by Tim/Kon fans.