commenting cultures

Jan 06, 2011 14:14

The discussions of the pros and cons of "kudos" on AO3 reminded me that I've wanted to post about whether others found the comment culture and discussions about them (and long critiques as well as the favorite and collection buttons) on deviantArt even more neurotic and fraught than on the typical fan archive/forum or fannishly used LJ/DW ( Read more... )

meta, deviantart, social bookmarking

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Comments 5

glockgal January 6 2011, 17:41:24 UTC
I know I use DA for completely different reasons than I do LJ, because I really like the whole favourite thing (both to use and to receive). But then, I guess it's because I prefer to get my feedback from LJ?

Also, the etiquette on DA confuses me since I don't really see the point of thanking people for watching or fave-ing. If people are so het up for getting feedback, maybe the protocol should change so people have more TIME to give feedback instead of using that time to thank people for the watch?

Blah aaanyway. I think it would be kinda neat for LJ to start up a kudoe or Like of fave sort of system. Hm!


ratcreature January 6 2011, 17:56:54 UTC
Yeah, I don't thank for favs/watch either, because that's just overkill. And it's my impression that thankfully this convention seems to become less common, maybe because of the collections and the groups, that are also all kind of like the bookmark galleries, so favs of various kinds have become more common? In any case, I noticed that when I fav something now, it happens less often that someone comments in response than say two years ago when I first got an account on dA, which is fine with me, because I'm the same ( ... )


hsavinien January 6 2011, 18:26:24 UTC
I'm on dA primarily to collect favorites galleries in various fan universes. I comment sometimes, usually on art for smaller fandoms, but honestly, I'm not an artist. I can say when I think something looks cool, but that's about it. I comment much more frequently on LJ because I am a writer and can offer better con crit and recognize tropes and diction choices.


ratcreature January 6 2011, 18:39:52 UTC
Yeah, I can understand that. I use it as gallery collection, my own and for art I like, too, and I think that's a good use of the site too. But in many of the dA forums (like posts and such),this usage seems to be treated like leechers or something. I find that aggravating.

As for the writers, apparently some people use dA to publish fiction too, which I find completely baffling, because to put it mildly, the interface is not very good for that. Or for reading things. But I see fic all the time. I don't get it. Maybe if you have text to go with your illustration I can see why some people would want to have all in one place, but I also see people post there who have only text, and don't do visual art, and I'm like "whyyyy???" and sort of want to shake them to pick good tools to find an audience.


hsavinien January 6 2011, 18:42:25 UTC

Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of that either. I've got a link to my LJ on my page, because that's where I publish my writing. I see no point in duplicating my efforts on a site that's not even designed for it.


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