has anyone ever seen a non-faily before/after ad?

Sep 17, 2010 13:30

One involving humans, I mean, not some sparkly clean bathroom. They seem to be disproportionally racist, sexist and of course fat-phobic. Like the poster advertising some kind of beauty parlor near my father's place. It has before/after images, one worse than the next, but the one that never fails to make me go WTF? is the photo of a black woman, who somehow in the "after" picture does not just have make-up and a new hair cut with straightened hair instead of curly, but is also at least two shades lighter, thanks to Photoshop, one assumes rather than them really offering some kind of toxic skin bleaching.

Of course I'm mostly desensitized to racist advertising due to its ubiquity -- though I'd really like to know what the producers of some convenience foods are thinking when they advertise their disgusting powdered sauce product with literally yellow, slit-eyed cartoon Chinese that should have gone out of style many decades ago and not be on products in 2010, and that company afaik doesn't even have the flimsy excuse that their racist cartoon is some kind of traditional mascot for them like Sarotti chocolate -- but some things still manage to stand out.

rants, wtf?

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