Daredevil #107-120 (aka #500 in the new-old numbering)

Jun 09, 2010 15:01

I post about Daredevil so rarely because I tend to wait for a couple of storylines to accumulate before reading, even though I collect the monthly issues.

Overall I had a good time with these. The story had a few good twists that I hadn't expected. Also I have a ridiculous soft spot for DD's ninja storylines, despite the mystical Asian cliches and all that.

I was pleasantly surprised that Izo has his own agenda, and in the end turned out to have worked with Lady Bullseye to manipulate Matt for his own end (and presumably is still doing this) rather than just being the wise Asian martial arts mentor stock character helping Matt, and I'm curious how things will go with The Hand now that Daredevil, Tarantula and White Tiger are all on the inside.

I wasn't so thrilled that the Kingpin got drawn back through the "murdered lover and children" plot device, that is really getting tired. There have to be some other motivations for heroes and villains, surely? Also in general the level of bloodshed and gore seemed really high these last issues.

I'm not thrilled that Matt and Dakota slept together, and that he cheated on Milla when she hasn't even been parked in that mental hospital for long, though considering how much of a jerk Matt can be in his love life, I guess it's not necessarily OOC. On the relationship level I liked though that Foggy and Dakota commiserate over the mess that is Matt. Which now makes me wonder whether anyone is shipping Foggy/Dakota in fanfic... heh.

marvel: reviews, comics: reviews, marvel, comics, daredevil

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