thoughts on the bad guys this Buffy and Angel season...

May 14, 2003 11:38

I'm not too thrilled about either series anymore (nor totally bitter), but I had this thought about the two big evils this season, The First and Jasmine: They're both old, powerful, and intent on their plans, just a few hours drive apart, and obviously their concepts of doing "evil" are quite different. I've been wondering what might have happened if both "evils" had won, what then? Except for eating a couple of people every day Jasmine's world domination plan is all very HHJJ (in a pod-people way), and the result is a very controlled and organized situation, with all chaos (and with it freedom) gone, whereas from the little we've seen of the First's effects on the general population, i.e. when it's not trying to kill Slayers and potential Slayers and their allies, it's all about talking people to death terrifying people, culminating in totally uncontrolled chaos and death, so what would have happened if those two had clashed? They certainly wouldn't pool their resources...

angel, buffy, tv

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