some comments on SGA 5x16

Nov 22, 2008 19:35

Well, a Rodney-centric episode nearly without Sheppard and Ronon, and entirely without Teyla wasn't going to be one of my favorites, but overall it was still fun to watch. I know that Rodney/Keller isn't really popular in large segments of the fandom, but whatever, I liked them here.

In the opening seeing, as usual, the proliferation of superfluous plastic packaging in their mess hall drove me crazy. But ignoring that WTF? aspect, John was adorkable with Ronon, as he eyed Rodney trying to ask Keller to accompany him. He and Ronon can commiserate together. (Surely someone is going to write that John/Ronon story?)

And while my first thought about Roney's and Jennifer's conversation was "haven't I read that before?" because it is such a common fanfic trope -- both Rodney's misery with the lack of publishing and the plot of bringing a date to a conference on earth as status symbol, I liked that Rodney was awkward without it triggering my embarrassment squick.

tv, sga: reviews, tv: reviews, sga

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