crossover recs

Aug 13, 2008 23:20

Pass the Pork-Barrel Salt, by Gwendolyn Grace and Etakyma. Gen, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Josh Lyman, Donna Moss, C.J. Cregg. (ca. 5,000 words)
Supernatural/The West Wing
Josh meets the Winchesters during a "Big Block of Cheese Day". This crossover is simply a lot of fun.

Begotten and Gingerbread, by Nilchance. Gen, Alec, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Boby Singer. WIP
Dark Angel/Supernatural
I'm not actually sure whether this is a series or a WIP, but I find it intriguing so far, because in this crossover the timelines of DA and SPN don't seem to have been messed with to mesh them, but instead Alec somehow ended up in 2008, though neither he nor the Winchesters seem to know the how or why yet.

Travelled on his looks, by Petronelle. Gen, Fraser, Ray K., Dick Grayson, Tim Drake. (ca. 2,200 words)
DC Universe/Due South
I'm not much interested in crossdressing, but Fraser and Ray teaming up with the Batclan here was fun.

Untitled, by Tassosss. Gen, Teyla Emmagan, Aeryn Sun. (ca. 2,840 words)
Farscape/Stargate: Atlantis
Teyla and Aeryn team up for a jailbreak, which is simply a great scenario.

Woman Inflammable, by Vehemently. Gen, John Winchester, Sarah Connor. (ca. 4,660 words)
Supernatural/Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
I really enjoyed this insight into John at the beginning of his hunting life, and the outsider look at Sarah. And of course John would have the worst luck in that that he picks Sarah Connor & Co to run into early on.

where the grass is green and the girls are pretty (ca. 2,165 words) and its sequel oh, won't you please take me home (ca. 2,700 words), by Vorrothiel. Gen, Ash, John Connor.
There's something about crossovers between Supernatural and Terminator that really appeals to me. The universes just go together like hazelnuts and chocolate, IMO. Anyway, this one has the unique premise that Ash used to know John Connor in high school.

recs: dark angel, recs: farscape, recs: crossovers, recs, recs: dc, recs: due south, recs: terminator, recs: sga, recs: spn, recs: west wing, crossovers

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