SGA 5x02 The Seed episode reaction

Jul 19, 2008 12:30

Wow, tentacle rape galore. This looked as if someone watched a lot of hentai or something. Not that I object per se. *g*

I really liked Woolsey here, and that he's trying to make rational decisions. Of course he has no chance with the Pegasus madness combined with this bunch of mavericks doing what they want anyway, whether it is shooting things or doing genetic experiments on humans, but still.

I'm still not sure about the Carson plot. I mean, when he initially reappeared from the (apparently not) dead, I didn't really follow the explanation of how or when the switch to the identical clone with all his memories had happened in the first place, but whatever.

I really liked that Teyla and Radek got to be action heroes too though, and that Teyla didn't just get an appearance with her son, but helped figure out and fix the problem.

Also, Sheppard in restraints and injured yet again definitely works for my soft spot for Sheppard whump, you barely need h/c fanfic at the rate he's getting injured, tied up and assaulted in canon.

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