SPN insta-rec

Jul 10, 2008 04:15

I just finished reading Lovesrain44's Big Bang story, Phantom Load (gen, Sam and Dean, set present day and pre-series, ca. 54,000 words), and though it kind of gutted me, it's a great story. While the story is gen there are explicit scenes of sexual abuse of a young Dean by an original character, and I think it's one of the most harrowing child abuse stories I've read in fandom. Not because it is particularly extreme or bleak, but because the way the memories are narrated, the details, and the past and the present, and Dean and Sam's POVs are woven together made it very real to me.

Also, even if you don't think you can stomach the story, you should take a look at Xterm's drawing, which is lovely and can stand on it's own as a picture of their childhood, even though looking at it again after reading there are added layers to the artwork.

recs: fanart, supernatural, recs: spn, recs

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