fanart, Junkie!Roy

Apr 24, 2008 23:55

Fandom: DCU (Green Arrow)
Characters/Pairings: Roy Harper (back when he was Speedy)
Media used: Wacom tablet in GIMP
Rating/warnings: PG, I guess, for drug use
Notes/comments: This took me a really long time, and I don't just mean that I first had the idea for this in 2006. I have no idea what I am doing wrong that digital coloring takes me so long, isn't it supposed to be efficient? I suppose it's one of the pitfalls of being self-taught. Anyway, it's Roy during the famous heroin addict story line. As always, feedback is very welcome.

And two details showing parts of the image in the original size/resolution. (I drew it at 3100x2540px.)

green arrow, fanart: roy harper, fanart, fanart: green arrow, fanart: dc

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