my reaction to SPN 2x17 Heart

Mar 23, 2007 14:20

OMG!!FLAIL!!! Sam! I felt so awful for him and for Dean, and for Madison.

Naturally I suspected the harmless guy to be a werewolf, and that Madison had become one too didn't surprise me after the whole conversation about her becoming more assertive and confident after the mugging, so until then I was kind of entertained with the usual nice SPN things but not wowed, but then the rest really hit me.

I enjoyed the awkwardness between Sam and Maddy, and then I was so happy for Sam that he managed to get laid (and Dean was great about it too and that made me smile) and that by now Sam's far enough from his grief over Jess to make this possible, and also I thought they were fairly hot together. So I really was in that happy place together with Sam, but then she's still a werewolf (the only thing I stumbled upon was the timeline, did they spend a whole day in bed having hot sex till the next moonrise?), which maybe I should have guessed from there still being some time to fill, but I didn't keep an eye on the time, so it really sucker punched me.

And then Sam is all torn up about it, and also about the parallels to his situation, that bleakness and desperation that saving her didn't work came really through (and I loved how the scene of him coming to Dean), all the more cruel because he dared to become involved once it seemed safe. And then she asks Sam to kill her rather than to take her chances to hurt more people and-- *wordless flailing* And it broke my heart when Dean offered to kill her instead, and then Sam goes through with it...

Just -- waah! *sniffle* SPN really hurts the characters like fanfic, only of course as canon it has more impact.

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